Welcome to The Wifelette

Welcome to The Wifelette, home to the ramblings of a wannabe wife.

As you can see from the posts below, this is not my first dalliance with blogging. Indeed, this blog used to be known as Chez Gracie. However, whilst I loved dipping my toe into the blogosphere, I found myself trying to model my blog on other, more successful blogs. Blogs that had captured the attention of publishers and had subsequently been turned into books. Blogs that had become the darlings of editors and whose authors had gone on to become members of the full-time editorial staff. Blogs where the bloggers are invited to fashion shows. Blogs where the bloggers were invited to anything. And blogs with an audience of, well, more than just me and my other half.

And so there it began. My blogging despair turned into an idea. I decided that rather than morph myself into another blog I should really find something to be passionate about. And no, it's not weddings (although I L-O-V-E these), it's not fashion and it's certainly not beauty. No, my blog would be based on the lessons I'm learning as a wife in training.

You see, I'm on the brink of embarking upon wife-hood. But 28 years and one fiance later, I'm none the wiser about what I have to do to become this nobel creature known as a 'Wife'.

Wives are grown-ups. Wives are wise. Wives can cook. Wives are...scary. And I'm soon to become one of them. Eeeeeek!

So, rather than go it alone, I thought I would share my lessons with the blogosphere. Whilst I doubt my blog will boast the Nobel Prize for literature, it may well boast a few of the humbling lessons and triumphs learnt on the way to wife-hood. So, in my new incarnation I am the Wifelette; a girl becoming an grown-up and studying the art of Wife.

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