The Twitterati

I love a spot of social networking. Facebook? Love it. Forums? Fab. Twitter? Ummmmm...
You see, I'm rapidly finding that as a bride-to-be Twitter is getting me into a little bit of trouble. Whilst I think it's great that suppliers can gather together and network amongst themselves in a way that was never before possible, it's not so great for indecisive brides-to-be like me. Suddenly, getting in touch with 30 different stationers about the same event becomes embarrassing, particularly when your wedding becomes the subject of mortifying Twitter banter between suppliers.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a champion of small, independent businesses and the tools that help them become a success, but what about the customer? I've had a horrifying experience where, struck with yet another moment of indecision, I changed my mind about the first photographer we booked. So, after much (international) research, I finally booked another and got h2b to make our excuses. Thing is, the new photographer has mentioned our wedding at least three times on Twitter. Unbeknownst to me, she is also very good friends with one of the other photographers I got in touch with and nearly booked, and has subsequently had conversations with her online about our wedding. THEN, I discovered that our previous photographer follows her on Twitter. Eeeek!

Whilst I'm sure I'm over-dramatising the whole situation, I feel like my anonymity has gone and the suppliers are in charge. I am now Twitter-stalking our photographer to make sure the ex-photographer doesn't twig, realising that our polite excuses were just another way of saying 'we found someone who we love more than you'.

I know it probably doesn't matter as it's business after all, but I can't help but feel it somewhat detracts from  the VIP status of brides to be. Suddenly, seeking and securing coveted suppliers whilst secretly revelling in your bridal neurotocism isn't as much fun as it initially seemed. Particularly when you're worried that people are sniggering at your expense. Hhhmmmm... perhaps refraining from supplier stalking is the way forward, or at least the way to preserve my sanity!

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